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Academic Notice

게시물 검색
[대표_영문] 통합 Academic Noticelist 으로 번호, 제목, 작성자, 조회수, create 일, 첨부파일로 나열 되고 있습니다.
num. Subject Department Views Registration Date Attachments
공지 Field research guidelines and representative cases of field research reports 학사팀 164 2024-09-09 ZIP 파일다운로드
공지 Guidelines for Comprehensive exam, Fall semester 2024 학사팀 237 2024-09-02 ZIP 파일다운로드
공지 Guidelines for the Qualifying exam, Fall semester 2024 학사팀 167 2024-09-02 ZIP 파일다운로드
공지 Notice of Schedule for Credit Exchange with Other Universities for Fall 2024 학사팀 247 2024-07-02 GUIDANCE ON APPLICATION FOR NOTICES ON CREDIT EXCHANGE (ENG.).pdf
915 Notice of Schedule for Credit Exchange with Other Universities for Fall 2024 학사팀 247 2024-07-02 GUIDANCE ON APPLICATION FOR NOTICES ON CREDIT EXCHANGE (ENG.).pdf
914 Notice on leave of absence and reinstatement for Fall Semester 2024 학사팀 40 2024-07-01  
913 2024 Fall Semester Dormitory Application for Residence Extension UST Dorm 40 2024-06-28 2024 Fall Semester Dormitory Application for Residence Extension Guidelines.pdf
912 Guidelines of Shortening of minimum residence of 2024 Spring Semester 학사팀 222 2024-06-17 Announcement of Shortening of the Minimum Residence Requirement_20240612.hwp
911 2024 Fall UST Dormitory Application Schedule UST Dorm 61 2024-06-14  
910 [2024-Spring] Notice on Field Research Report(6.10.~6.23.) and Grade check 학사팀 377 2024-06-10 ZIP 파일다운로드
909 Notice for Extension of Maximum Term of Study(Prescribed time limit) for 2024 Spring Semester 학사팀 108 2024-06-07 ZIP 파일다운로드
908 Notice of application for recognition as Ph.D. student in Integrated program(For students admitted after Spring 2023) 학사팀 222 2024-05-28 2024 Fall Application for Recognition as a Ph.D. Student.pdf
907 Notice on the 2024 Fall Semester Ph.D. Qualification Examination 학사팀 119 2024-05-28 ZIP 파일다운로드
906 Affiliation in students' research performance and plagiarism check 학사팀 429 2024-04-09 ZIP 파일다운로드