Current status of student majors

학생현황 - 학생분류, 인원, 평균 입학연령 및 평균 졸업기간, 연령 및 기간 정보제공
Type Number of Students Avg. age of admission &
Avg. graduation period
Age & period
Enrolled Students 1 Average age of new students in master course 26.74
Students on leave - Average age of new students in doctor course 29.97
Completion Students 7 Average age of new students in integrative course 26.25
Master Graduates 50 Average graduation period in master course 2.2
Doctoral Graduates 27 Average graduation period in doctor course 4.72
International Students - Average graduation period in inegrative course 5.89

Major employment locations for graduates over the past 5 years

Graduate Student 24
Ph.D. graduate 6
Master graduate 18
졸업생 수, 박사 졸업생, 석사 졸업생
Type Company name
Government/Public 경남발전연구원, 과학기술정보통신부, 국가과학기술연구회, 국가보안기술연구소, 국가핵융합연구소, 대전세종연구원, 미세먼지 국가전략프로젝트 사업단, 부산산업과학혁신원(BISTEP), 산업연구원, 연구성과실용화진흥원, 한국과학기술연구원, 한국과학기술정보연구원, 한국기초과학지원연구원, 한국산업기술진흥원, 한국에너지기술연구원, 한국전자통신연구원, 한국화학연구원
Training Period 과학기술연합대학원대학교(UST), 한양대학교

Student Research Performance

학생연구실적 - 연도, 연구실적 구분, 게재지, 연구실적명 정보제공
Year Field of Research Journal Research
2009 Journal 한국혁신학회지 특허분석을 통한 개방형 혁신의 핵심요인 탐색
2009 Journal Scientometrics Different characteristics between auctioned and non-auctioned patents
2009 Journal Asian Journal of Technology Innovation Technological Convergence and Open Innovation in the Mobile Telecommunication Industry
2010 Journal Technological Forecasting & Social Change Moderating effect of personal innovativeness on mobile-RFID services: Based on Warshaw's purchase intention model
2010 Journal ETRI Journal Value of Number portability in Internet Phones
2010 Journal 한국산업정보학회논문지 통계적 메타분석을 응용한 미래기술개발로드맵 도출에 관한 연구
2012 Journal 한국정보보호학회지 A Study on Threat factors of Information Security in Social Network Service by Analytic Hierarchy Process
2012 Journal Journal of Supercomputing(0920-8542),[순위: 36/48, 77/97, 176/247] Convergence indicator: the case of cloud computing
2012 Journal Communications in Computer and Information Science 124 Microscopic Approach to Evaluating Technological Convergence using Patent Citation Analysis
2012 Journal 전자통신동향분석 제26권 제1호 The Trend and Case of the Next Generation Converged Contents Industry.