
This major consists of two sub-majors (nano convergence measurement, biomedical measurement) covering the field of applied measurement. The sub-major of nano-convergence measurement deals with the microscopic or extreme environment physics, materials, and equipment development. The sub-major of biomedical measurement deals with precision measurement of biomedical signals and quantities, as well as development of medical diagnostic/therapeutic devices. This major teaches and studies the field of measurement science that can be widely applied in physics, materials, chemistry, and bio/medical fields.


Nanoconvergence Measurement

Nanometer-sized objects have different properties from what we normally see. This is because quantum mechanical phenomena affect the properties of matter in these sub-microscopic areas. Nano Convergence Measurement is the science of measuring and controlling physical phenomena occurring in the nano area (1-100 nm level). It is a comprehensive science in which various majors such as physics, chemistry, and materials can communicate. The sub-major of Nano Convergence Measurement aims to cultivate talents who have a thorough and broad understanding of nano-scale measurements, both in experimentation and theory. The graduate programs provide an opportunity to gain the art research experience in various fields by utilizing the characteristics of convergence science.

BioMedical Measurement

Many diagnostic and therapeutic devices used in clinics are being developed by the basic principles of biotechnology and physics with a variety of engineering knowledge. The Biomedical Measurement aims to cultivate professional technical personnel with international competitiveness required in the clinics and medical device industries through research on the development of advanced biomedical measurement technology and diagnostic/therapeutic Instruments. To this end, courses for the delivery of basic and specialized knowledge for each field of biomedical measurement, such as bio-signal analysis, pathology, medical imaging, and radiotherapy, are opened, and field-centered training is provided.

International Admission(Non-Korean Citizen) for Fall 2023 plan

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Master Doctor Integrated