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Majors(by List)

Marine Technology and Convergence Engineering
  • Main CampusKorea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology
  • Participating Campus
  • Number of Students 47
  • Number of Faculty30


The major “Marine Technology and Convergence Engineering” consist of 1) marine engineering include marine ICT, coastal engineering, remediation of environments etc. 2) marine biotechnology, and 3) London Protocol of Engineering Master of Project Administration is provided as a professional master’s degree course for the government employees from developing countries on marine environment restoration and coastal engineering.


Ocean and Coastal Engineering

The course of “Ocean and Coastal Engineering” aimed to cultivate experts for smart utilization of marine space via coastal engineering, marine ICT, satellite-based technology, environmental engineering etc. based on acquisition of big data and its processing.

Marine Biotechnology

This course is designed to nurture excellent experts in the future marine bio-economy field by professionally educating multi-omics technology concerned in marine natural chemistry, marine biotechnology, and management of marine bioresources as well as instrumental analysis techniques.

London Protocol Engineering Master of Project Administration

This is a professional Master’s degree course established to support the compliance of London Protocol by educating public officers from foreign countries who administer various projects in ocean environment and coastal engineering. This course is designed to nature excellent experts for effective management of ocean/coastal projects by professionally providing knowledges and technologies on ocean waste dumping and marine environment restoration that are main agendas of London Protocol, as well as on coastal engineering.

International Admission(Non-Korean Citizen for Spring 2025 plan

Recruitment Guide
Master Doctor Integrated