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미래를 혁신하고 세계를 선도하는 UST

Inter-University Exchanges

Incoming(Non-UST Students)

Incoming(Non-UST Students)

Applicable Courses

  • Courses that incoming student's original university allows to apply for credit exchange.
    (i.e. Major courses, Field Research, Seminar, Common Core Couses)

Application Period

Application Period - Period, How, 유의사항
Period How 유의사항
  • Spring: Jan ~ Feb
  • Fall: Jul ~ Aug
Check the Credit exchange website of your original university No additional application accepted, but only change and withdrawal of courses accepted.

How to Apply: Follow procedure that your universities has ruled

  • 1. (Incoming Students) Check UST's Credit exchange notice from their universities
  • 2. (Incoming Students) Submit in the application form to the personnel in their universities
  • 3. (Other universities' personnel) Send the list who applied for credit exchange with UST
  • 4. (UST personnel) make temporary ID/PW and notice incoming students
  • 5. (Incoming Students) Course Registration in UST Portal system
게시물 검색
Total 1,225 , page 18 / 123
Name of Class,Professor Name,Campus,Major
NoSubject NumberName of ClassProfessor NameCampusMajor
1055 21560 Research Methodology for Korean Convergence Medical Biology KANG Youngmin KIOM School Korean Convergence Medical Science
1054 21559 Research Methodology for Korean Convergence Medical Engineering KIM JAEUK KIOM School Korean Convergence Medical Science
1053 21127 Robot Motion Planning Algorithms PARK JAE-HAN KITECH School Robotics
1052 21147 Safety, Certification and Standard of Hydrogen and Fuel Cells lim Tak Hyoung KIER School Energy Engineering
1051 21562 Satellite Orbital Mechanics Lee Seonho KARI School Aerospace System Engineering
1050 21206 Semiconductor and Neuromorphic Devices Lim Jung Wook ETRI School Semiconductor and Advanced Device Engineering
1049 21557 Sensors and Actuators Seung Hong Min KRISS School Precision Measurement
1048 21361 Sensors and Signal Processing of Aerospace System YEE-JIN CHEON KARI School Aerospace System Engineering
1047 12823 Separation and Sorting Technology Kim Kwanho KIGAM School Resources Engineering
1046 13023 Signal Transduction & Human Diseases Kyung Ho Lee KRIBB School Bioscience